Masks of te moana

This is my mask of te Moana I desinged my own and I was inspired by a movie called Moana, it is the stinray from moana that had blue and shining tattoos well that was what the stingray wanted on her the stingray was one of the ancestors she is very close to Moana it is Grandma Tala  it was pretty hard but very fun if you guys want to  make a mask of te moana you can copy mine if you like but not the whole mask, if you want to comment on my blog what I need to edit because I can make some change.   here is a photo of the stinray I got inspired with

Creating a beach mandala!

This is my beach mandala I may have made it in google draw but it is easier. If you would like to make a beach mandala its so easy you just need rocks or shells and anything thats your style for your beach mandala but dont put anything funny or terrifying thats just making it more horrible so put some stuff that are not terrifying for other people.I hope you enjoy my beach mandala comment and tell me what I need to edit in my mandala because I dont really know how to design a mandala you should try it its very fun.

Christmas animation

This week Room 6 has been animating a special event – Christmas because it is Jesus’ birthday. Mary and Joseph traveled from Nazareth to Bethlehem to register their names with the king. The king wanted the three wise to bring Jesus here but they did not bring Jesus to the king when they arrived. Instead they praised Jesus.

Our Solar system

Our Solar system has planets. We even learned my very energetic mother just served us nachos  which represent Mercury ,Venus, Earth,Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

All the planets need to be in place. I found an interesting fact about Mars. Mars may look hot but it is very cold! My partner was Elise. By the way, we picked Mars because of the singer. I am a big fan but I don’t know if Elise is. Mars is the fourth planet from the sun. We made our planet out of polystyrene. We painted the polystyrene colours. That’s all I have learned about planets if you want to learn more about planets you can research.